DevotionalsSincere Milk -Children

DCLM Sincere Milk 3 November 2022 — Control your feelings

DCLM Sincere Milk 3 November 2022 Devotional by Pastor W. F. Kumuyi — Control your feelings



1And all the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness of Sin, after their journeys, according to the commandment of the LORD, and pitched in Rephidim: and there was no water for the people to drink.

2Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore do ye tempt the LORD?

3And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?

4And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me.

Key Verse: “And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?” (Exodus 17:3).


God created us with the sense of feeling so that we can desire and pursue good things in life. Expressing our feelings therefore is a natural thing for all humans, but God does not want us to misuse those feelings.

In the passage today, the children of Israel murmured against Moses and also disrespected God, just because of temporary lack of water to drink. They became restless and spoke rudely to their leader, Moses. They also despised God’s miracle, particularly their deliverance from Egypt. They acted like ungrateful people.

Also Read: DCLM Sincere Milk 2 Novmber 2022 — Your success in your hand

Many children act the same way when they have a little challenge or delay in getting something. They complain instead of praying to God. Little problems make them to forget bigger miracles of God. Delay in getting food, water and answers to prayers should not make you lose control of your feelings.

Believers are to always speak the word of faith whenever things seem to be going contrary to their expectations. Speak positive words, avoid blaming or criticizing anybody, pray and have faith in God. You should also put your feelings under control in moments of joy. Give glory to God in all circumstances.

Prayer: Lord, help me to put my feelings and emotions under control at all times.

Further Reading: Philippians 4 5, 6

1. Admit that you are a sinner. "For all [humans] have sinned, and comes short of the glory of God....[and] the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 3:23)
2. Repent now. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out ...[for] if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness " (Acts 3:19, 1 John 1:9)
3. Believe that God loves you and Jesus died for you. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet Sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)
4. Invite Jesus into your life through prayer of faith. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20)