Daily Mana-AdultsDevotionals


TOPIC: Becoming Great (DCLM Daily Manna 25 July 2021)

TEXT: Matthew 18:1-14

1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

12 How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

13 And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.

14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

KEY VERSE: “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” – (Matthew 18:4)


There is a prevailing principle under heaven, which suggests pulling everyone down in order to get to the top. This principle has been practiced by most despots of the world. We have had kings and even politicians ensuring that all those who pose a threat to their reign are completely crushed without a show of mercy. Even in the field of Marketing, we find this principle at play. There is always the attempt to run down and discredit all competing and rival products in order to gain ascendency and enjoy the monopoly of the market.


The teachings of Christ run contrary to this principle! From the text, His disciples had asked Him what it will take to become the greatest. Instead of teaching them the principle of self-assertion through strife and bitter rivalry and competition, Jesus taught them the principle of humility and self-abasement. To become the greatest, you must humble yourself as a little child. For Jesus, the way up, is down!

Many Christians seem to have forgotten this timeless and well proven principle of Christ. This, however, has led to different forms of politicking and the attempt to outshine others in the various sections or departments of the church. These, so-called Christians, go about singing the praises of their personal achievements to be recognised above others. They fail to understand that by so doing, they are personally activating the self-destruct mode for themselves. This is because they are soon going to come down crashing and broken into many irreparable pieces!

Let us follow the teachings and example of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He is the greatest, He became the servant to all. If we want to be truly great and enlisted in God’s kingdom, our humility must be as that of an innocent child.

Humility is the path that leads to true greatness in God’s kingdom.

2 Chronicles 22-25

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor W. F. Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.

1. Admit that you are a sinner. "For all [humans] have sinned, and comes short of the glory of God....[and] the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 3:23)
2. Repent now. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out ...[for] if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness " (Acts 3:19, 1 John 1:9)
3. Believe that God loves you and Jesus died for you. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet Sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)
4. Invite Jesus into your life through prayer of faith. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20)