DevotionalsSincere Milk -Children

DCLM Sincere Milk 29 April 2022 — Good Music

DCLM Sincere Milk 29 April 2022 Devotional by Pastor W. F. Kumuyi — Good Music

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11 But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD, that we may enquire of the LORD by him? And one of the king of Israel’s servants answered and said, Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, which poured water on the hands of Elijah.

12 And Jehoshaphat said, The word of the LORD is with him. So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down to him.

13 And Elisha said unto the king of Israel, What have I to do with thee? get thee to the prophets of thy father, and to the prophets of thy mother. And the king of Israel said unto him, Nay: for the LORD hath called these three kings together, to deliver them into the hand of Moab.

14 And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee.

15 But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.

16 And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches.

17 For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.

18 And this is but a light thing in the sight of the LORD: he will deliver the Moabites also into your hand.

KEY VERSE: “But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him” (2 Kings 3:15).


Music is a combination of sounds to make melody. There are different types of melodies that result in different types of musicals that we hear all over the world.

Nebuchadnezzar was a powerful king who enforced in Babylon, the kind of music that promoted the worship of idols and make people commit the sin of idolatry. But, the three Hebrew children refused to listen to Nebuchadnezzar’s music, it was not good music. In our Bible passage, Elisha needed good music that would help refresh his spirit and connect him with the Spirit of God. God was in support of the music because it brought glory to Him, and then His hand was on Elisha, who was able to bring the message of God to the people.

What type of music do you listen to? Today, we hear all kinds of music, those that pollute the mind, make one develop thoughts that do not glorify God and act against the will of God. But the Scriptures support melody that comes from the heart and bring glory to God. Music that exalts Christ, strengthens faith in God, tells of your hope in Christ, brings glory to God and encourages you to continue on the way to heaven, is good music.

Decide today to listen to and sing songs that bring glory to God and refresh your spirit, as well as make you more spiritual and heavenly-minded.

PRAYER: Lord, I will sing of Thy mercies and make known all Thy faithfulness to all generations.


1. Admit that you are a sinner. "For all [humans] have sinned, and comes short of the glory of God....[and] the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 3:23)
2. Repent now. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out ...[for] if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness " (Acts 3:19, 1 John 1:9)
3. Believe that God loves you and Jesus died for you. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet Sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)
4. Invite Jesus into your life through prayer of faith. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20)