DevotionalsOpen Heavens


OPEN HEAVEN 29 JULY 2021 TOPIC: The Need For Bodily Exercise!

MEMORISE: For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. – 1 Timothy 4:8

READ: 3 John 2 (KJV)

2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 87-89

Open Heaven 29 July 2021 MESSAGE:

Every sane person wishes to be healthy, wealthy, fulfilled and have longevity. 1 Chronicles 29:26-28 says:

“Thus David the son of Jesse reigned over all Israel… And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour:…”

Therefore, good health, long life and prosperity are the heritage of God’s children. Bodily exercise may indeed profit little compared to the spiritual benefits of godliness, but a healthy body is vital to successful living and longevity.

Man is a tripartite being. The Bible teaches that man consist of the spirit, soul and body. God is interested in our good health – physically. He desires that we should be sound and complete – spirit, soul and body. This healing of the whole man starts in our spirit, it begins when God touches our spirit with His Holy Ghost. Romans 8:16 says:

“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:”

God created the human body to be rugged. However, good food and regular exercise, and daily rest are vital for a healthy body.

A healthy body is required to carry out daily human endeavours. More so, divine assignments are usually tedious and demanding physically, emotionally and spiritually. Therefore, fitness and sound health are two factors that make God appoint people in their youth for special assignments. That is why strength and all-round fitness are common attributes of those that God used in the Bible.

Abraham was energetic and fit enough to produce children at over a hundred years of age (Genesis 25:1-4). Moses trekked through the wilderness and climbed mountains at over eighty years of age (Exodus 7:7). David displayed agility and strength in the fight against lions, bears, Goliath and various armies, even from his youth, Elijah exhibited speed and stamina, as he was aided by the Holy Spirit to outrun the chariot of king Ahab. The exploits of Joshua, Caleb, Samson, Deborah, Peter, Paul, Stephen, Philip, John the Beloved and others, show clearly that they were physically fit.

Bodily exercise is required to keep the body fit and strong for the accomplishment of great and mighty things for God.

Open Heaven 29 July 2021 ACTION POINT:

Henceforth, ensure that you get involved in regular exercise for healthy living even as your soul continues to prosper.

Open Heaven 29 July 2021 Hymn 1: All Hail The Pow’r

1. All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ Name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all!

2. Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race,
Ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him Who saves you by His grace,
And crown Him Lord of all!

3. Let every kindred, every tribe,
On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown Him Lord of all!

4. Oh, that with yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall!
We’ll join the everlasting song,
And crown Him Lord of all!

Open Heavens 2021 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

1. Admit that you are a sinner. "For all [humans] have sinned, and comes short of the glory of God....[and] the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 3:23)
2. Repent now. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out ...[for] if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness " (Acts 3:19, 1 John 1:9)
3. Believe that God loves you and Jesus died for you. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet Sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)
4. Invite Jesus into your life through prayer of faith. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20)