DevotionalsSincere Milk -Children

DCLM Sincere Milk 13 March 2022 — Guilt free

DCLM Sincere Milk 13 March 2022 Devotional by Pastor W. F. Kumuyi — Guilt free

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1 (A Psalm of David, Maschil.) Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

3 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long.

4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah.

5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

KEY VERSE: “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” (Psalm 32:1).


Abigail just started attending her school fellowship. One day, the hostel matron asked her a question about something that happened in the hostel, and the information she gave her was not the whole truth but half-truth.

For several days, Abigail was troubled by the Holy Spirit to give the hostel matron the full information. As she delayed further, her heart became heavy with guilt; and anytime she saw the woman, her heart skipped a beat. The day she eventually told the truth and asked God to forgive her, it was as if a burden was lifted, and she was loosed from condemnation and guilt. If we sin and fail to repent of our sins and confess them, the devil will fill our heart with guilt and it will continue to bother us and make us restless. However, when we confess our sins, God forgives us and grants us freedom from the guilt of that sin.

The Psalmist says, “Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile” (Psalm 32:2). When this happens, the child will be free from any form of guilt, and becomes as light as air.

When we are in Christ, we have received His pardon, we are declared guilt-free. Christ’s forgiveness comes with the extra package of freedom from guilt. Are you free from sin and condemnation? If no, you can pray now, confess your sins to God and ask for His pardon and cleansing.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for this freedom You have given me. Help me to walk in the consciousness of You making me guilt-free.


1. Admit that you are a sinner. "For all [humans] have sinned, and comes short of the glory of God....[and] the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 3:23)
2. Repent now. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out ...[for] if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness " (Acts 3:19, 1 John 1:9)
3. Believe that God loves you and Jesus died for you. "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet Sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)
4. Invite Jesus into your life through prayer of faith. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20)